Workplace Rights Ambassador Program (WRAP)
The Workplace Rights Ambassador Program (WRAP) is an effort of the California Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO) that seeks to build a bridge to disenfranchised workers.
About WRAP #EqualPayCA Trainings
CCSWG in partnership with the California Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO) have committed to combating workplace inequities by helping make the LCO’s Workplace Rights Ambassador Program (WRAP) more accessible to working women. Together with the First Partner, these agencies provide a grassroots focused #EqualPayCA training during Equal Pay Day months as part of a greater effort to bring more women-serving organizations to the table for training to expand our ability to reach women working to recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
Employees need support, especially during COVID-19, and is it the responsibility of the State to act quickly to ensure people understand their rights, are educated on how to advocate for themselves in the workplace, and can take action if they believe their rights are being violated. This partnership training streamlines women’s ability to enroll in key benefits and take advantage of legal protections designed to support them in the workforce. These include accessing and understanding paid sick leave, school leave, lactation accommodations, domestic violence related protections, parental permissions, retaliation, and others all of which help women to stay in the workforce during a crisis that has disproportionately impacted women.
Members of participating organizations will be trained as workplace rights ambassadors to take information on workplace protections and LCO resources to their communities. These community ambassadors and LCO liaisons will work closely to train targeted populations and facilitate access to resources. Our joint purpose is to ensure equal pay and equal opportunities are available in every workforce in the State while promoting economic justice and full enforcement of California labor laws.
Topics Covered in Training:
- Paid sick leave – California’s regular paid sick leave law, as well as 2021 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave, which extends up to 80 hours of paid sick leave to all employees who work for employers with more than 25 employees
- Leave options for parents – workplace leave options and protections for school-related emergencies (including some school and daycare closures)
- Domestic Violence protections – understanding the protections available for victims of crimes, including domestic violence.
- Lactation protections – understanding workplace protections for women who need to express milk while at work
- Equal Pay Act – prohibits an employer from paying its employees less than employees of the opposite sex, or of another race, or of another ethnicity for substantially similar work. substantially similar work to the work you perform
- Retaliation protections – Employees and applicants for employment in California have the right to exercise their labor rights without retaliation or discrimination
Last WRAP Training
Date: April 27, 2021
Time: 5:30PM – 7:00PM
Introduced by First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Experts from Retaliation Complaint Unit of the CA Labor Commissioner’s Office will present this training. These include:
Jacklin Rad, Senior Deputy Labor Commissioner
Kim Van Tran, Senior Deputy Labor Commissioner
Cristina Vasquez, Attorney