Latina Equal Pay Day
According to data by the Partnership for Women and Families and Unidos, Latinas in the United States are typically paid just 57 cents for every dollar paid to White, non Hispanic men. Latinas face the largest wage gap among women. This year, Latina Equal Pay Day falls on Thursday, October 21st. It takes the average Latina, working full-time year-round, 10 extra months to earn what the average White non-Hispanic man earns in a single year.
Latinas in the U.S. are paid on average 45% less than White men and 30% less than White women. According to data from the National Partnership on Women and Families and Unidos US, prior to the pandemic, the median wage for Latinas in the United States was $36,110 per year, compared to the median wage of $65,208 for White, non-Hispanic men – meaning the wage gap costs Latinas $29,098 each per year. In the past year, Latinas were more likely to lose jobs and income than White, non-Hispanic men. These lost wages mean Latinas have less money to support themselves and their families, save and invest for the future, and spend on goods and services.

Informational Hearing
Latina’s At Last: The Latina Pay Gap
October 21, 2021
On October 21, 2021 from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm the Assembly Select Committee on Latina Inequities and the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls will host an informational hearing, Latinas at Last: The Latina Pay Gap. The hearing will take place at the County Administration Center, Room 310 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101.
Click here to download the agenda and here to read Executive Director Martinez’s testimony.
The System is Failing Latinas & Black Women
According to new research by LeanIn.Org and SurveyMonkey, half of Latinas and Black women have struggled to pay for basic necessities like rent and childcare in the past year—and half have less than $300 in savings to fall back on in an emergency.
Latinas Projected to Reach Equal Pay in 2220
In recent decades, Latinas have significantly increased their high school graduation rate and representation in teaching, law, medicine, and management professions. Yet based on the current rate of progress, Latinas will not reach equal pay with White non-Latino men for another two hundred years, or until 2220.
The Intersectional Wage Gaps Faced by Latinas
In addition to overt wage discrimination, the explained portion of the wage gap is largely caused by structural barriers that reduce Latinas’ expected earnings including segregation into lower-paying occupations (8 cents) and lower-paying industries (3 cents) and the disparity in access to education and skills training (6 cents).
According to data by the National Partnership for Women and Families and Unidos US, a “persistent gender-based wage gap continues to harm women, their families and the economy – it is particularly damaging for Latinas.” Over a 40-year career, a woman starting her career today stands to lose a staggering $406,280 to the wage gap. But Latinas face typical lifetime losses that total over $1.1 million. Lower earnings mean that Latina workers and their families have had fewer resources to meet the devastating impact of COVID-19. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research close to six in ten (57 percent) Latinx households experienced loss of income due to COVID-19, a higher share than Black (51 percent), multiracial (51 percent), Asian (46 percent), or White (41 percent) households.

According to data compiled by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a third of Latinx workers report experiencing hiring discrimination. One study found that for every 100 entry-level men who are promoted to manager, just 68 Latinas are promoted. Discrimination and occupational segregation mean that the pay gap between Latinas and White men with a college degree is essentially the same as Latinas and White men without a high school degree.
This year, Latina Equal Pay Day falls on Thursday, October 21st highlighting that it takes the average Latina, working full-time year-round, 10 extra months to earn what the average white non-Hispanic man earns in 1 year. Many people assume that Latinas face a pay gap because they’re concentrated in lower-paying roles. But even in the same job, Latinas are paid less than White men. For example, Latina nurses earn 28% less than White male nurses, on average.
Latina mothers are paid just 46 cents for every dollar paid to White, non-Hispanic fathers
Latinas are 2.5 times as likely as White men to make less than $15 per hour
Latinas in the U.S. are paid 30% less than White women
Latinas typically earn only 55 cents for every dollar earned by White, non-Hispanic men

Social Media Toolkit
Latinas can not wait another 200 years to reach pay parity! Equal pay for Latinas means more income for families, opportunities for communities, and enhanced economic security for families. Download the toolkit below and participate with the Equal Pay Coalition partners in the upcoming Twitter storm on Latina Equal Pay Day! Click here for social media toolkit