The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls voted unanimously on August 3, 2020 to support the following legislation:
SB493 (Jackson): This bill requires, by January 1, 2021, a post-secondary institution that receives state funds to comply with various requirements pertaining to student sexual harassment protections and to provide students with procedural protections relating claims of sexual harassment.
SB 1399 (Durazo): For the purpose of wage claim enforcement in the garment industry, expands the definition of garment manufacturing to include brand guarantors, eliminates piece rate pay, provides for joint and several liability among manufacturers, brand guarantors, and contractors, and creates a rebut-table presumption of the identity of a brand guarantor by the provision of a brand’s label.
AB 1927 (Boerner Horvath): This bill makes the testimony of a victim or witness in a felony prosecution for specified sex crimes that the victim or witness, at or around the time of crime, unlawfully possessed or used a controlled substance or alcohol inadmissible in a separate prosecution of that victim or witness to prove illegal possession or use of that controlled substance or alcohol.
SB 1237 (Dodd, Burke, Mitchell): This bill removes the requirement for physician and surgeon supervision for a certified nurse midwife (CNM) to practice midwifery; revises the provisions defining the practice of midwifery; authorizes a CNM to attend cases out of a hospital setting; authorizes a CNM to furnish or order drugs or devices in accordance with standardized protocols; and, requires a CNM to provide specified disclosures to a patient.
SB 973 (Jackson): Requires private employers with 100 or more employees to submit a report annually to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) with pay data for specified job categories broken down by race, ethnicity, and sex.
SB 1383 (Jackson): Expands the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) to allow employees to use unpaid job protected leave to care for a domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or parent-in-law who has a serious health condition.