Youth Advisory Council
We educate policymakers, service providers, and community officials throughout California about the experiences, needs and opinions of our state’s youth and young adults.
Join the Youth Advisory Council
The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is seeking new members for our Youth Advisory Council, which supports the mission of the Commission by providing a youth perspective on state policy and practice. This unique opportunity to help shape public policy is open to girls ages 14-20 living in California. Members will be asked to attend, virtually or in person in Sacramento, 6 meetings each year, approximately 2 hours each, and engage in approximately 4 hours of advocacy, outreach, or support each month. Meetings take place on weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and applicants must be available during business hours to be considered. All references to “women and girls” include gender-expansive individuals, cis women and girls, trans women and girls, nonbinary individuals, gender-nonconforming individuals, genderqueer individuals, and any women or girl identified individuals.
Applications are due by October 17, 2024. You can download the application here.
What is the CCSWG Youth Advisory Council?
In 2022, the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CCSWG) recognized that the voices of our younger constituents were not being represented. In response to that need, we created the Youth Advisory Council (YAC). Having a youth-centered approach ensures that CCSWG is including the voices of all our constituents. The YAC is a group of young residents (ages 12-19) of California brought together to increase youth involvement in California’s public policy efforts. Through this council, CCSWG shall keep youth engaged through thoughtful conversations, experienced speakers, and advocacy and leadership development, resulting in the development of a Girls Agenda for the Commission.
*All references to ‘women and girls’ include gender-expansive individuals (cis women and girls, trans women and girls, nonbinary individuals, gender-nonconforming individuals, genderqueer individuals, and any women or girl identified individuals).
Press Releases
California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls
Youth Advisory Council Full Business Meeting
August 29, 2024 5:00 PM
California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls Announces Inaugural Youth Advisory Council Members
March 30, 2023
California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls Announces Inaugural Youth Advisory Council Members
SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CCSWG) is pleased to welcome the first ever California Youth Advisory Councilmembers to the Inaugural CCSWG Youth Advisory Council (YAC).
“We deserve to be safe, respected, and treated fairly,” said Serena Griffin, CCSWG Youth Advisor. “As a girl who stands on the shoulders of so many phenomenal women, I am deeply passionate about doing my part to build a society where all girls and women can truly thrive.”
YAC members will provide insight to the Commission on policies, procedures, and legislation affecting girls throughout California. Members of the Council were chosen from all regions of California and will meet and interact with other youth, Commissioners, CCSWG staff, and other professionals in the public and private sectors, resulting in the empowerment of young women and girls to become advocates for themselves and their communities.
Members of the Youth Advisory Council will write and propose for adoption a formal charter that outlines their goals pertaining to issue areas which include, but are not limited to: Reproductive rights, gender equity in the workplace, gender equity in education and sports, violence against women and girls, mental health, safety and treatment of transgender women and girls, and California policy and legislation.
“Women veterans, sexual violence, and women’s health education are three topics I am deeply passionate about,” said Anagha Rajesh, CCSWG Youth Advisor. “Through conversations with fellow young women and inspiring leaders…I hope to become a confident advocate for women’s rights.”
The Commission on the Status of Women and Girls works in a culturally inclusive manner to promote equality and justice for all women and girls by advocating on their behalf with the Governor, the Legislature, and other public policymakers, and by educating the public in the areas of economic equity and other key issue areas identified by the Commission as significantly affecting women and girls.
“I am passionate about the issue of gender norms and the damage they cause… sexism in education and school environments… and creating a safe space for other gay and trans youth,” said CCSWG Youth Advisor Eli Reeves Tordilla.
In establishing this Youth Advisory Council, CCSWG will take one more critical step toward inclusion, equitable representation, and continue the work of bringing the voices of those impacted by state policy directly to those responsible for creating it.
“I want to make the world a better place and I think this is the perfect place to start,” said Kyra Knight, CCSWG Youth Advisor.
“The members of the Youth Advisory Council are keenly aware of the needs of the girls in their communities,” said Kimberlee Vaye, CCSWG Program Director. “Their insight, knowledge, and lived experiences, will all be brought to the table and their collective voice will impact change in California communities.”
At the conclusion of their one-year term, the council will have contributed to the creation of a Girls Agenda to be adopted by the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls. The Girls Agenda will include issue areas that the Commission will need to advocate for in terms of legislation and policy at a state level.
“This council isn’t just a collection of students from around California but future female politicians, healthcare workers, and CEOs,” said Thao Yun, CCSWG Youth Advisor. “I hope to be a part of something bigger than myself to see how the world around me grows.”
To learn more about the California Commission on the Status of Women Youth Advisory Council visit
For more than 50 years, the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls has identified and worked to eliminate inequities in state laws, practices, and conditions that affect California’s women and girls. Established as a state agency with 17 appointed commissioners in 1965, the Commission regularly assesses gender equity in health, safety, employment, education, and equal representation in the military, and the media. The Commission provides leadership through research, policy and program development, education, outreach and collaboration, advocacy, and strategic partnerships.
Press Contact:
Darcy Totten, Director of Communications
916.261.6705 (cell)
2024 -2025 YAC Executive Officers
Yuzuna Kudo, Chair
Los Angeles County
Rebecca Wang, Vice Chair
Santa Clara County
Meet the Inaugural CCSWG Youth Advisory Council!
YAC members represent a diverse cross section of the California population. 2024-2025 Membership is comprised of youth ages 13-20 from different regions of California.
Kaitlyn Uesugi
San Bernardino County
Anna McMillan
San Mateo County
Penelope Oliver
Sacramento County
Yuzuna Kudo
Los Angeles County
Riya Yarlagadda
Ventura County
Maya Henry
Los Angeles County
Bhajleen Khalsa
San Joaquin County
Rebecca Wang
Santa Clara County
Noelle Hardy
Los Angeles County
Nora Lounibos
Sonoma County
Hannah Satuito
San Mateo County
Oz Rafer
San Francisco County
Diana Haus
Sacramento County
Kyra Knight
Solano County
Isabella Murillo
Contra Costa County
Eli Reeves Tordilla
Los Angeles County
Abigail Shih
Orange County
Thao Yun
San Diego County
Anagha Rajesh
Santa Clara County
Yasmeen Arteaga
Los Angeles County
Phoebe Seigel
San Francisco County
Serena Griffin
Alameda County
Past members:
Shae Dellamaggiore, Madera County
Natalia Armas, Stanislaus County
Tabatha Gachuzo, San Bernardino County
Sage Calderaz, San Bernardino County
“Everyone deserves access to healthcare no matter how young or old…and it should be taken care of in a safe and understanding environment.”
Our Mission
The role of the CCSWG YAC is to operate in an advisory capacity by providing current knowledge, critical thinking, and analysis to increase the confidence of the Commission’s decision-makers and that they have a reliable connection with young women of our state.
Youth Advisory Council (YAC) meeting dates and times will be posted on the webpage. Agendas will be publicly posted at least 10 calendar days prior to each meeting. Each YAC member will be asked to make a one-year commitment. The term of the inaugural YAC members has been extended one year. No new applications are being accepted at this time. We encourage youth to attend meetings and connect with us to have their voice heard and to explore ways to work together to carry out youth-driven initiatives throughout the state.
*Bi-monthly meetings will be hosted in a public space with a virtual participation option.
YAC Membership
• Membership shall be diverse (i.e., ages, abilities, ethnicities, backgrounds, and geographical areas)
• Elections shall be held for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
• Chair: Leads by example and is the primary liaison between the Commissioners, Commission staff and the YAC members. Ensures structures and procedures are in place for effective meetings. Effectively communicates with YAC Vice Chair, Secretary, and Commission to develop and disseminate meeting agendas and minutes on time. Possesses effective communication and time-management skills needed in order to lead meetings and follow up with necessary parties on action items.
• Vice Chair: Assists Chair in carrying out important tasks such as agenda development and dissemination of pertinent information. Works closely with Chair and stands in place of Chair if Chair is absent.
• Secretary: Takes meeting minutes. Sends minutes to CCSWG staff for review, prior to dissemination to YAC members and Commissioners.
“As I serve my community, I hope to empower more DESI women to get involved in advocating for their community’s needs. This will break the systematic issues …Speaking out on cases like sexual assault, and domestic violence cases affecting brown communities.”
YAC Handbook and Charter
Please click the buttons below to download the 2023 -2024 CCSWG Youth Advisory Council Handbook and Charter.
I think that we, as a state, are capable of many things that will drive us closer and closer towards equity and human kindness, and I want to be involved in that... I want to gain the experience of advocating for youth at a state-level.
YAC Meeting Schedule
Youth Advisory Council (YAC) 2024 Full Business Meeting Dates
Meeting information will also be posted on CCSWG’s webpage 10 calendar days prior to meeting. To access agendas, refer to “UPCOMING YAC MEETINGS” located near the upper right-side area of this page.
August 29, 2024 5:00-6:30 p.m.
October 28, 2024 5:00-6:30 p.m.
December 3, 2024 5:00-6:30 p.m.