The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is a state agency working to amplify gender inequities and injustices, champion solutions, and deliver connections to relevant, timely resources to women and girls across the state. Our programs are designed to address key disparities – because California Women Are Essential!
Our Programs
Assembly Bill 1356
AB 1356 is designed to protect patients and providers at reproductive health centers by updating the California Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) and modernizing online privacy laws. The Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is responsible for convening an advisory committee of subject matter experts, who will provide two additional reports, the first by December 31, 2025, and the 2nd by December 31, 2029.
SAC on Sexual Assault Victim Services
The SAC provides oversight to the Rape Crisis, Child Sexual Abuse, and Child Sexual Exploitation and Intervention Programs and gives voice to the needs of sexual assault survivors. CCSWG appoints six of the members of this vital committee.
Future of Abortion Council
Reproductive healthcare access is a critical issue facing Californians. The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is proud to contribute to the work of the “California Future of Abortion Council” (CA FAB Council) to protect reproductive rights and expanding access to sexual and reproductive health.
Girls in STEAM
Women and girls in California continue to lag behind their male counterparts in STEAM fields. The Commission partners with the California Department of Education and the CDE Foundation to act as annual co-hosts of the California STEAM Symposium.
Equality Icons
The experiences of women and girls must be understood through an intersectional lens, but awareness is only the first step. Celebrate some of the women doing this important work.
COVID-19 Resources
The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to affect California for years to come. Please explore the resources we have gathered here to assist women during this time.
Your Vote Is Your Voice
Your Vote Is Your Voice is a campaign created with the California Secretary of State’s Office to amplify the resources available designed to make voting easy for every California resident.
Reports on the Status of Women
The Commission is a regular contributor to reports and data assessments that highlight the challenges women in California face. Read our work or that of our partners here.
Blueprint for a California Women's Pandemic Recovery
The Commission has drafted a Blueprint for Recovery that puts women at the center. The report will be released August 9, 2022 and available for download here.
Women & Girls Resource Hub
Find links to resources on topics ranging from gender equity in the workplace, women in the military and the needs of veterans and efforts to improve health access for women and girls.
Be An Equal Pay Champion
We are challenging businesses to take the Equal Pay Pledge and commit to conducting an annual company-wide gender pay analysis, reviewing hiring and promotion processes and procedures to reduce unconscious bias and structural barriers, and promoting best practices that will close the pay gap to ensure fundamental equity for all workers.
Multiple California employers and the State of California have taken the pledge. We would be excited to add your name to this growing list and publicly recognize your commitment to equity in the workplace. Take our pledge, here and join the growing list of organizations who participate in our roundtables, best practices discussions, and support programming for pledge takers. Learn more about our partnership with First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom on the #EqualPayCA campaign here.
All Change Starts Locally
CCSWG is working with county and city Commissions on Women to assess the needs and impact of COVID-19 on the women and girls of California. To contact your local Commission, click the button below.