About Latina Equal Pay Day
Latina Equal Pay Day is the approximate day Latina’s must work into the new year to make what White non-Hispanic man made at the end of the previous year. Latina’s typically earn only 55 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men and must work nearly 23 months to earn what white men earn in 12 months. That means it takes almost two years for Latinas to earn what White men earn in one.
Latina Women’s Equal Pay Day is the final “Equal Pay Day” of the year and is observed on October 29, 2020. Even as Latinas have entered the workforce in record numbers and now number more than 11 million workers, they nonetheless face the largest wage gaps among women. This disparity hurts not only Latinas, but also the families and communities they support.
The nature of low-wage work and a persistent gender wage gap hurt Latinas and their families, making Latinas—many of whom are single heads of households—especially vulnerable to experiencing poverty. Wage gaps must be understood through an intersectional lens, but awareness is only the first step – active allyship, advocacy, and structural change are needed to build true equality for Latina’s in California and across the nation. We we must work together to support #LatinaEqualPay and to VOTE for equity!

Unseen Latinas
From essential and farmworkers to top CEOs and doctors, Latinas make up 20% of California’s workforce. But advocates say they are woefully underpaid and under-represented in a state with 16 Latinas serving in the state legislature.
Data on the Wage Gap for Latinas & Disparities in the Workplace:
- Lean in – Facts and Figures:
- National Women’s Law Center – Equal Pay for Latinas Facts and Figures:
- AAUW- Latinas and the Pay Gap:
- National Partnership for Women and Families – Effects of the Latina Wage Gap:
- American Progress – Economic Fallout of Covid19:
- The Leadership Conference:
- Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE):