What’s at Stake for Women in November?

Join The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, the CA Secretary of State and CA Women Lead for a panel discussion focused on “What’s At Stake For Women?” in the November election.

Join panelists in the first of two in-depth conversations about women’s equality, collective political muscle, and the value of our votes. Your vote is your voice…be ready to be heard on election day! Join Dr. Alisha Wilkins (Chair, California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls), Tamara Raspberry (Assistant Deputy Secretary of State) Tara Campbell (Mayor of Yorba Linda) in conversation as they discuss what is at stake for women in November and why every woman should make her voice heard at the ballot box!

Register today at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-at-stake-for-women-in-november-tickets-122155190463