California Pay Equity Task Force July 22, 2016 Meeting Agenda

Author: Commission News
Published: Jul 20, 2016

California Pay Equity Task Force


Friday, July 22, 2016

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Stanley Mosk Library and Courts Building

914 Capitol Mall, Room 500

Sacramento California, 95814

One or more of the Task Force members will participate in this meeting at the teleconference sites listed below. Each teleconference location is accessible to the public and the public will be given an opportunity to address the Task Force at each teleconference location.

The public teleconference site(s) for this meeting are as follows:

320 W 4th Street, 10th Floor, Los Angeles CA 90404

Public comments will be taken on agenda items at the time the specific item is raised, unless it is a closed session item. Agenda items may be taken out of order to accommodate speakers and to maintain a quorum.  Please check the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CCSWG) website for updates, as the meeting may be rescheduled.  For verification of the meeting, access the Commission’s website at Time limitations for discussion and comment will be determined by the Chair.

  1. Welcome and Call to Order – Chair
  2. Roll Call
  3. Establish Quorum – Approve Agenda
  4. Adopt Robert’s Rules of Order
  5. Introductions
    1. Opening Remarks, Greg Lucas, California State Librarian
    2. Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, Executive Director, CA Commission on the Status of Women and Girls
    3. Commissioners Lauri Damrell and Julie Su, Co-chairs of the California Pay Equity Task Force and CCSWG Subcommittee on Gender Equity in the Workplace and Employment
    4. Task Force Members
  6. Presentation

Marian Johnston–Communications, Proceedings, the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, and Robert’s Rules of Order

  1. Questions/Comments


  1. Presentations on Senate Bill 358 (Jackson) the California Fair Pay Act

Author’s Message

Commissioner Julie Su – Enforcement Perspective

Jennifer Reisch, Legal Director, Equal Rights Advocates – Advocates Perspective

Jennifer Barrera, Policy Advocate, CA Chamber of Commerce – Business Perspective

Commissioner Lauri Damrell – Employer Perspective

Lunch Break

  1. Goals discussion
    1. Action of the Commission Creating Task Force
    2. Purpose and deliverables
  2. Results discussion
  3. Subcommittees
  4. Stafftasks and timeline discussion
  5. Public comment
  6. Adjourn

* In addition to public comment regarding each agenda item, the Commission affords an opportunity to members of the public to address the Task Force on items of interest that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction but are not on the noticed agenda. The Commission is not permitted to take action on items that are not on the noticed agenda, but may refer items for future consideration.

Disability Access

Any person with a disability who wishes to receive this Notice and Agenda in an alternative format, or who wishes to request auxiliary aids or services to participate in the meeting of the Task Force, in accordance with State or Federal law, should contact Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez at 916-651-5405 not later than five (5) business days before the noticed meeting day. The Commission and its subcommittees comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act by ensuring that the meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities, and providing that this notice and information given to the members of the board is available to the public in appropriate alternative formats when requested.

Contact Information

Please contact Bethany Renfree at 916-651-5405 or to submit written material regarding an agenda item or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities, or non-English language translations and for requests for information prior to the meeting. To view this agenda online please visit our website at


  1. Final Agenda with Teleconference Location .pdfopens in a new window 7/22/2016 7:29:20 AM