Evaluating Policy and Practice Subcommittee
Overview: This subcommittee will suggest ways that policies guiding practices, such as promotion, hiring, retention, and training, can be crafted to support the goals of and compliance with the Fair Pay Act (SB 358).
Audiences: Employees, employers, human resources, legal, unions. Additional?
Broad questions: What policies do companies and unions have in place that might need changing to support compliance to the Fair Pay Act (SB 358)? What practices should companies follow to achieve and maintain gender equity in promotion, hiring, retention, and training? How often should audits be done to measure the impacts of policies? What should be reported? Should reporting be public? How might union practice and policy be related to compliance? What are other ways for organizations to create culture change that supports pay equity?
Additional information:
- Audit/Evaluate policy and practice. Review current pay practices and policies to identify any concerns about proposed changes and minimize potential liability. Reporting. Assess what, if any, potential risks policies and practice might pose. Track changes. Set targets. Implement new policies. Organize union membership around pay equity. Set frequency of audits. Awareness of pay equity.
Resources: See literature reviews and documents available on CCSWG website. https://women.ca.gov/california-pay-equity-task-force/#resources. Tell staff if you know of additional resources you would like to share.