Author: Commission News

To Interested Parties:

The Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is seeking applications for appointments to the State Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAC) in the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. The SAC is authorized to collaboratively work with Cal OES on program development and implementation, to develop criteria for awarding assault cases, and to approve grants awarded to the Rape Crisis, Child Sexual Abuse, and Child Sexual Exploitation and Intervention Programs.

The SAC is comprised of professionals who have knowledge and expertise in the areas of sexual assault and public members. To comply with the statutory requirements under Penal Code section 13836.1 regarding representation, the Commission is seeking to fill one public member position on the Committee:

  • One to serve as a general public member, must be an experienced, trauma-informed professional.

Six of the eleven State Advisory Committee members are appointed by the Commission.  SAC committee members are expected to attend virtual or in-person, regularly scheduled quarterly meetings. SAC members participate in the following types of activities:

  • Review and be prepared to discuss meeting agenda items, meeting minutes, and supplemental documentation.
  • Represent and provide relevant information from the specific field for which he/she has been appointed.
  • Provide evaluation and recommendations of public policy as related to sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and child sexual exploitation.
  • Identify, raise, and discuss critical issues within the field of sexual assault, child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation.
  • Provide program and funding recommendations to Cal OES.

Interested parties must submit a letter of interest as the application. A complete application package will include: Your letter of interest which details your qualifications (no more than two pages, 12-point font, Times New Roman) to serve on the committee, your resume and three letters of recommendation. Additionally, you must address the following questions:

  • What knowledge or expertise in the field of sexual violence do you bring to the Committee?
  • What do you consider to be the most pressing issue affecting the field of sexual assault?
  • Why are you interested in serving on the SAC?

Your application package must be emailed to Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Applications are due by close of business on April 21, 2023.

Applications will be reviewed, and selected candidates will be invited to interview. The Commission will formally appoint the position at its June 13th meeting.

For more information on the SAC, visit:

If you have any questions on the general public member position, please email your questions to: